
Regulation Week

Regulation Week

GV Direito Rio will hold the first edition of Regulation Week from December 4th to 8th, in the cities of Houston (USA), São Paulo, Brasília, and Rio de Janeiro. The event will discuss aspects of national and international regulation with Brazilian and foreign experts and jurists. Topics related to regulated sectors such as Oil and Gas, Insurance and Pensions, Airport Infrastructure, Railways, and Ports will be addressed.


On December 4th, the event will take place at the Mayer Brown Office Auditorium in the city of Houston, Texas. The event will be dedicated to discussing topics related to Oil and Gas Regulation. Sérgio Guerra (Director of FGV Direito Rio) and Norman Nadorff (Partner at Mayer Brown) will deliver the opening speeches. Following that, there will be a panel titled 'Carbon Capture and Hydrogen: The Technologies and Commercial Structures are Rapidly Progressing – Will Regulation Match the Pace in the U.S., Brazil and Elsewhere?' The panel will feature presentations by Gabrielle Finger (Chevron), Julian Cardenas Garcia (University of Houston Law Center), and Philip Lau (Mayer Brown).


To learn more about Regulation Week or to register for the event, please visit here.